The central media narrative is that Kyle
Rittenhouse is a white supremacist whose
mother drove him across state lines with
an AR-15 to shoot Black Lives Matter
protesters. All lies. You can read more
about it in this commentary by Matt Vespa
of Town Hall HERE
Those of us who follow the current assault on
our 2nd Amendment rights are probably aware
that the recent trial of Kyle Rittenhouse had
a hidden agenda. This young man was accused of
killing two men and wounding one other during
the Kenosha Wisconsin riots--which the
prosecution, the liberal news media and even
the Biden administration misrepresented as
"murder" and an act of racism--when everyone
involved--even the shooter-- was "white". The
case was actually about why Kyle was fully
justified in defending his own life.
The political left used this trial to attack an
American citizen's right to use a firearm in
self-defense, which was actually a cloaked attack
on the Second Amendment. The real target of this
attack became obvious when the prosecution made
the following nonsensical statement that actually
shows how the gun control lobby thinks:
"You lose the right to self-defense when
you are the one who brought the gun."
The prosecution made this statement despite the
fact that one of the men involved also had a gun
and was about to shoot Kyle. This is what the
jury saw, despite the lies and misinformation
coming from the media.
Thank God, Kyle had a judge that respected
Constitutional Law and stopped the
prosecution when they tried to use
misleading and illegal practices in his
court. Toward the end of the trial, the
judge decided to ban MSNBC from the court-
room for their attempts to intimidate
the jury! This is an example of how
corrupt the news media has become.
Tucker Carlson does a masterful job of
pointing out how the prosecution and the
liberal media repeatedly and deliberately
misrepresented facts--and even tried to
intimidate the jury and persuade the public
to wrongly convict Kyle of murder and of
being a "white supremacist" before the
verdict was handed down.
We will attempt to keep it active with
important news that impact our freedoms
and other Constitutional issues as
required. We consider America's gun
rights ... and the Second Amendment
that guarantees those rights to be the
one liberty that protects all others.
The Second Amendment is truly ...
"America's First Freedom"
Note: Any copyrighted work on this website
is provided under the 'fair use' provision
without profit or payment for non-profit
research, educational and discussion
purposes only.
Due to the explosion of news concerning
Second Amendment rights and firearm related
stories, the following media outlets can
keep you updated concerning current events
as they happen. Since MCSM is now on care
and maintenance, we cannot keep up with the
flood of information. Unlike the major
news outlets, these independent sources
tend to support the citizen's right to keep
and bear arms as a core "civil right" not
to be infringed upon ...
As stated in US Constitutional Law..
In addition to these sources, we provide an
ongoing selected list of news articles that
informs every freedom-loving American about
the internal assault coming from the political
left against our liberties.
In order to simplify the main MCSM web-page, we are
moving the bulk of our news and information links,
including some of the older ones that remain active,
to a different location called;
'The Second Amendment News Portal'
Since many events are easily forgotten, we feel
these links exist as important reminders
connected to the purpose and history of MCSM
and should remain available.
In Memory
One of the few U.S. Supreme Court Justices
who consistently defended the people's
Constitutional freedoms, which includes
the Second Amendment.
One of the early and active members of MCSM,
C. Stuart (Stu) Broad recently passed away.
Stu was actually the inspiration behind the
founding of MCSM many years ago, when we
needed some way to reach out and counter the
anti-freedom activities in Montgomery County.
Stu was a good friend and effective voice
in support of Second Amendment issues at
Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland.
Others learned from him and will follow his
lead. Thank you Stu.
Bob and Cathy Culver,
~ Bob Culver, Jackson, Wyoming
In Memory of Constantine Chaconas February 13, 2017
Served on the NRA Board of Directors from 1978 to
1980 - and again from 1996 to 1997. He was also
a member of Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland.
With great sorrow I announce my husband passed
away on Sunday, October 22 after a heart attack.
He is missed by family and colleagues.
Ling Snyder
John Michael Snyder was well known to me and the
members of Montgomery Citizens for a Safer Maryland
Maryland (MCSM). On many occasions he attended and
spoke at MCSM meetings in Silver Spring. In 2000
presented the St. Gabriel Possenti Award medal to
– at that time – Maryland Delegate Carmen Amedori
at her office in Annapolis, Maryland.
The Gun Rights movement has lost another
pioneering member, but rest assured he has
mentored and educated many others.
Thank you John.
Bob Culver, MCSM
Maryland Delegate Carmen Amedori (District 5) receives
the St. Gabriel Possenti medal from Mr. John M. Snyder,
President of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society. The
presentation took place on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2000 in
Room 318 of the Lowe House Office Building, in Annapolis.
In Memory of Charlton Heston
Let's not forget what Charlton Heston
fought for: The Second Amendment right
of private citizens to own firearms of
their choice protects all other American
freedoms and liberties. It must never
be infringed upon - or legislated away
for any reason.
"This might not be earth shattering
gun news, but you may enjoy it. The story
is a bit of a travel log about guns and
pro-gun activities meeting some anti-gun
idiots in what is left of the Old West or
Free State Wyoming. Enjoy"
Important Note:: A new commentary entitled
"Invasion" has been added to the "American
Militia" series as of December 5th, 2015.
It addresses the San Bernardino Islamic
terrorist attack on American citizens.
We invite you to read these essays and reply or
send your own addition using our mail link on
the left. Keep in mind that these articles
address the topic of the militia as defined in
the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
The 3 Rules Of Liberalism
RULE #1:
“You don’t ever want a crisis to go to waste;
it's an opportunity to do important things that
you would otherwise avoid."
Rahm Emanuel
White House Chief of Staff (2008)
RULE #2:
When a psychopath or terrorist goes on a killing
rampage, make sure you fully utilize Rule #1 under
"Public Safety Concerns" to take away protected
Constitutional rights. It's an opportunity you
would not otherwise have.
RULE #3:
Always Remember Rules 1 and 2.
FOX news invites Bob Culver to debate a
representative from the Coalition to Stop Gun
Violence about some recent "investigations"
that appear to show widespread disregard for
the law by both licensed and private sellers
of firearms.
Save Lives - Support Concealed Carry Reform
In Maryland
Note: Any copyrighted work on this website
is provided under the “fair use” provision
without profit or payment for non-profit
research, educational and discussion
purposes only.
MCSM Select YouTube Videos
To access these videos enter
the news portal below.
RTT-the anti-gun RAT exposes the insane
world of anti-gun politics. Learn the
dirty little secrets of your elected
More Informational Websites To Visit
Note: Any copyrighted work on this website
is provided under the “fair use” provision
without profit or payment for non-profit
research, educational and discussion
purposes only.
News media bias makes it necessary to search for
alternative methods to get our message to the
public. MCSM is looking for individuals who own
property along major roads and highways in Maryland.
Email us if you would be interested in participating
in this project.
"Sarah Brady at Handgun Control Inc. draws a
salary of $277,891.00 a year for her treasonous acts
against the Second Amendment. HCI has an annual
budget of $7,624,306. They spend this and more each
year to take your rights. The president of the NRA
doesn't get a salary. Does this tell you anything?
End Of Page
Visits To Our Site Since May 26th, 2007 The MCSM Website Had 23,560 Visits Through May 25, 2007
MCSM is a “not-for-profit” local group of concerned
citizens that provide commentary, public policy research
and education. We are not a commercial business and have
no paid employees. MCSM exists through the efforts of
community members who volunteer their time, energy and
knowledge without monetary compensation. We may suggest
educational materials such as books and videos on this
website, which are available from numerous outside sources.
We do not engage in the selling of any product(s) to the
public. We do not receive any money, revenue or financial
benefit from advertisements or product promotions found
or displayed on any website hyper-link included on this
website. We receive no compensation of any kind from any
groups, individuals or corporations mentioned on this
website or its hyper-links. Due to the non-profit research
and educational nature of MCSM, our organization qualifies
under Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107 of the “fair use” clause
for copyrighted materials. For this reason, any copyrighted
work on this website is provided under the “fair use”
provision without profit or payment for non-profit research,
educational and discussion purposes only. This provision
of the law can be viewed at: